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City of University Park, TX
City Council on 2021-05-18 5:00 PM
Meeting Time: May 18, 2021 at 5:00pm CDT
Closed for Comment May 18, 2021 at 5:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on.
21-087 Consider approval of Annual Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
Legislation Text
Agenda Memo - Annual Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
21-085 Consider purchase of accessory kits for Police vehicles.
Legislation Text
Memo to Council - Accessory Kits.docx
GT DIstributors Quote.pdf
21-088 Consider award of Bid # 2021-07 - Sidewalk Replacement Services.
Legislation Text
Memo to Council - 2021-07 Sidewalk Replacement.docx
2021-07 Contract - Unsigned.docx
2021-07 Sidewalk Replacements - Bid Tab.xlsx
21-086 Consider approval of the minutes of the May 4, 2021 City Council meeting, with or without correction.
Legislation Text
Agenda Memo - Minutes - May 4, 2021.pdf
2021.05.04 City Council Meeting Minutes.pdf
21-081 Conduct a public hearing regarding an amendment to the Special Sign District for 6565 Hillcrest.
Legislation Text
6565 Hillcrest CC Hearing SSD 051821 PBB vF.docx
6565 Hillcrest SSD.pdf
20210505-amend Hilltop sign district-122297.docx
21-082 Consider an ordinance regarding an amendment to the Special Sign District for 6565 Hillcrest.
Legislation Text
6565 Hillcrest CC Agenda SSD 051821 PBB vF.docx
6565 Hillcrest SSD.pdf
20210505-amend Hilltop sign district-122297.docx
21-083 Conduct a public hearing regarding creation of a Special Sign District for 4015 Normandy.
Legislation Text
4015 Normandy CC Hearing SSD 051821 PBB vF.docx
20210505-sign district-First Unitarian-122305.doc
21-084 Consider an ordinance regarding the creation of a Special Sign District for 4015 Normandy.
Legislation Text
4015 Normandy CC Agenda SSD 051821 PBB vF.docx
20210505-sign district-First Unitarian-122305.doc
21-089 Consider a request to abandon a utility easement at 6767 Turtle Creek Blvd.
Legislation Text
Agenda Memo
Anyone wishing to address an item not on the Agenda should do so via eComment at or by calling (toll-free) 1 (877) 568-4106 or 1 (646) 749-3129, Access Code 845-177-565. The caller shall mute the telephone until the Mayor asks for public comment on the agenda item. The Mayor may establish time limits for public comment and may disconnect a call if harassing or other inappropriate comments are made. E-mail comments to the City Secretary at will also be accepted until 1 p.m. on May 18, 2021. Please be advised that under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council cannot discuss or act at this meeting on a matter that is not listed on the Agenda. However, in response to an inquiry, a Council member may respond with a statement of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy. Other questions or private comments for the City Council or Staff should be directed to that individual immediately following the meeting.
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda items listed herein.
CERTIFICATE: I, Christine Green, City Secretary, do hereby certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and on the City's website,, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. DATE OF POSTING:____________________________ TIME OF POSTING:_____________________________ ________________________________ Christine Green, City Secretary
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