May 4 – This discussion has closed. Staff will advertise for bids for Phase 1 of the project and construction drawings for that work are being finalized. During a July or August meeting the City Council will be asked to vote on funding for Phase 1 of the project.
The University Park Swimming Pool at Curtis Park was built in the mid to late 1930’s. After more than 80 years the pool remains the recreational core of our community. Over the decades, several renovations have taken place. Most recently, in 2009 the City upgraded the 50-meter pool’s filtration system, installed a baby pool, a spray ground, a water slide and various shade structures. In 2010, the pool was renamed and dedicated as the Holmes Aquatic Center, after former Mayor Blackie Holmes. In 2015 alone, the pool received more than 107,000 visits including passmembers and daily guests.
Development of Holmes Aquatic Center Master Plan – Building Improvements
For the past year, the University Park City Council, committees, residents and architects have been involved in developing a pool master plan. The plan centers on making improvements to the existing buildings, examining how the facility is currently being used and exploring opportunities to expand recreational programs. A major component of the study involves improvements to the facility’s two existing support buildings. Both are in an advanced state of deterioration and in need of replacement. City staff is working closely with our City Council and committees to develop a funding strategy for these improvements. The City Council recently approved $124,500 to complete the design portion of the project. No money has been awarded for actual construction.
Project Review Process
On March 22 the City held a community forum on proposed enhancements to the Holmes Aquatic Center. The forum included a PowerPoint presentation from project architect Davis & Davis. The floor plan diagrams incorporate ideas the City has received from residents who use the facility.
On April 25 the Capital Projects Review Committee approved funding for Phase I of the project - improvements to buildings on the Center's northeast side.
On May 3, the City Council considered a staff request to complete construction drawings and to advertise for bids for Phase 1 (northeast buildings) of the project.
SpeakUp – Community Input Sought
We invite you to comment on any project aspect listed below. Feel free to review the attached PowerPoint presentation prior to providing input. Please note, due to the scope of renovations and enhancements, when construction takes place it will be divided into two separate phases to assure that renovations and enhancements will not interrupt pool season programs and activities. Also note that the 50-meter pool will not be altered, nor will parking.
Preston Phillips almost 9 years ago
Plan looks great. One comment on pool hours. Love to see pool open until 9pm on Th, Fr, or Sat. Looks like hours have been reduced to 8pm. Sunset in June and July is 830pm+ on most days.
Ginger Webster almost 9 years ago
I agree that the pool should remain open until 9 as it has past seasons. Families enjoy swimming after dinner.
Mark Hardin almost 9 years ago
Who did the original construction. It is inexcusable that so many structural problems exist at these relatively new buildings. The original contractor needs to correct all deficiencies, and not at taxpayer expense!
Also moving the bathrooms from west to east makes little practical or economic sense. The existing facilities could very easily be made ADA compliant (why were they not originally? see above comments). I feel any changes should largely be made within the existing footprint of the pool complex. I am not in favor of removal of large park trees except for essential needs, and none of this meets that criteria. I would like to see the architects work within the existing footprint of the pool complex for any changes. Also the first aid, office, ticket office and storage (why do we need both an east and west building storage?) could be in one room. Lifeguard relaxation room could be separate.
Aside from the repair of crumbling buildings, from where does the impetus for the rest of this project come? I do not feel very much, if any, of this project is something the community has expressed a need to do. We have enjoyed many years with our children swimming at the Curtis Park pool. I feel the original contractor should fix all structural issues, and not at taxpayer expense, and your designer should work within the existing footprint and not uproot mature Curtis Park trees for nonessential change.